Monday, July 21, 2014


On Friday night, Ryan and I were eating sushi when we decided that instead of seeing a movie, we would drive to the mall to shop. A friend's birthday party was the next day, and I determined that we should get her some nice fish towels from Williams Sonoma or Sur le Table or something. Oh, I mean dish towels. That was an auto-correct keeper (I'm blogging from my phone, one-finger typing while eating my salad left-handed).

The local mall doesn't have these fancy kitchen stores ("What?? Really? " I thought. I know. I'm so spoiled) so we drove across town to a mall new to us, where the Google foretold we would find the fancy dish towels.

I was feeling all silly, in love, navigating and looking out the window at a jewelry store with tacky painted windows when I had a silky thought I had to share (silky = silly; thank google keyboard).

"Ryan, what if the navigation said TUNA left instead of TURN left?!"

"Tuna left? Where'd she go?" Hahaha. I love this man.

And the fish towel mission was successful.

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